Ways to Participate: 2022 “When Koala Meets Panda” China-Australia Short Video Special Collection

2022年09月01日07:56  来源:人民网-澳大利亚频道

Participants are required to share their own stories of friendly exchanges between China and Australia through text or video form. Text stories can be in either Chinese or English. There is no limitation in terms of the form and angle of entries, and the video length is about 3 minutes.

Text story submissions will be open from Sept. 1 to Oct. 30, 2022. Participants can enrich their stories with relevant pictures, and send them to the event email address. Moreover, participants whose text stories are selected can choose to film their own stories or have them filmed by People's Daily Online and made into short videos.

Video story submissions will be open until Nov. 30, 2022. Video stories can be presented in forms including, but not limited to, monologues, situational interpretations, drawings, animated displays, singing, rapping, etc.

Participants are required to post their videos to event offical email or on their social media accounts with the hashtag #koalameetspanda and link one of the event's official accounts with an at sign, @, using the handles below:

- Facebook: @whenkoalameetspanda

- Twitter: @koalameetspanda

- Instagram: @koalameetspandacontest

- TikTok: @whenkoalameetspanda

- Email address: koalameetspandacontest@gmail.com

For more information, please visit the official Facebook page of the contest: https://www.facebook.com/whenkoalameetspanda/



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