Ways to Participate: "When Koala Meets Panda" 2023 China-Australia Youth Short Video Contest

2023年08月30日12:38  来源:人民网-澳大利亚频道

To participate, contestants are required to create a short video ranging from 30 seconds to 3 minutes in duration, centered around the theme of "Reunion" in either China or Australia.

The video's genre holds no bounds, encompassing subjects such as travel, language, culture, personal narratives, or showcasing unique talents.

There is also no limit on the type of video presentation, which could include anything from talking to the camera, guided tours, drawing and dancing to animations, singing, or rap. The sky is the limit!

Filming the video is flexible, with options ranging from mobile phones to professional recording devices.

Participants must first complete the registration, and then publish the competition video on the social media platform.

Sign-up link: http://eepurl.com/iyHN0s

Sign-up QR code:

Participants have the freedom to select one or multiple social media platforms for sharing their videos. These platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Xiaohongshu. It is essential to employ the hashtag #koalameetspanda and tag the following accounts:

- Facebook: @whenkoalameetspanda

- X (formerly known as Twitter): @koalameetspanda

- Instagram: @koalameetspandacontest

- TikTok: @whenkoalameetspanda

- Xiaohongshu: @whenkoalameetspanda

Furthermore, contestants have the option to submit their videos via email to: australia@people.cn.

For comprehensive details, please refer to the contest's official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/whenkoalameetspanda/




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