Ways to Participate: “When Koala Meets Panda” 2024 China-Australia Short Video Contest 

2024年09月09日15:46  来源:人民网-澳大利亚频道

Participants are required to create a video lasting between 30 seconds and 3 minutes, with the theme of "Echoes of Time". The competition encourages participants to explore stories of friendship between China and Australia, showcasing valuable experiences in cultural exchange, cooperative projects, social activities, and more. Whether reflecting on historical events or sharing personal insights, these works will add new dimensions to the China-Australia friendship.

The content of the entries can include but is not limited to topics related to Chinese and Australian cultures, such as cuisine, holiday customs, social etiquette, interpersonal relationships, consumption views, and sports culture. The format and style of the video are flexible; participants can use various video expression methods, such as documentaries, narrative films, music videos, paintings, sand art, animations, etc., to convey the theme of "Echoes of Time".

Participants may shoot the video using devices like smartphones or collaborate in teams for production.

Participants need to post their videos on their own social media accounts between September 1st, 2024to November 30th, 2024 with the hashtag #koalameetspanda and @one of the event's official accounts:

Facebook: @whenkoalameetspanda

Twitter: @whenkoalameetspanda

Instagram: @whenkoalameetspanda

TikTok: @whenkoalameetspanda

Xiaohongshu: @whenkoalameetspanda

Participants also can send their videos to the email: australia@people.cn, and should include following information: name (in both Chinese and English), contact details, video title, and a brief description of the video.

For more information, please visit the official Facebook page of the contest: https://www.facebook.com/whenkoalameetspanda/ 




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