Award Categories: “When Koala Meets Panda” 2024 China-Australia Short Video Contest 

2024年09月09日15:47  来源:人民网-澳大利亚频道

The short video contest will have 12 Outstanding Awards, 4 Individual Awards, and one Final Award.

Outstanding Awards: Before the submission deadline on November 30, 2024, People's Daily Online Australia will select 12 outstanding videos from the entries based on social media views, content, and production quality. These 12 finalist videos will advance to the next stage for Individual Award evaluation. Each finalist Award winner will receive a prize of 200 AUD.

Individual Awards: After the submission deadline, a panel of professional judges will select 4 Individual Awards: Best Story Award, Best Editing Award, Best Influence Award, and Best China-Australia Cooperation Award. Winners will receive a certificate, a trophy, and a prize of 1000 AUD each.

-Best Story Award: This award recognizes the most captivating and moving China-Australia story among the entries.

-Best Editing Award: This award is given for the highest quality of post-production editing, with professional and creative editing techniques.

-Best Influence Award: This award honors the video with the most creativity and impact.

-Best China-Australia Cooperation Award: This award is for the best video created through collaboration between people from China and Australia, encouraging more cultural exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.

"Most Popular in China" Award (Final Award): The most viewed individual award video on Chinese social media platforms will win the final "Most Popular in China" Award. The winner will win a certificate, a trophy and a one-week trip to China.




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